Access Maps

Put yourself on the Map

Access Maps prioritise the needs of people with disabilities, older individuals, parents of young children, and people with long and short-term mobility needs. Our user-friendly maps and app feature inclusive venues and experiences, nearby amenities and accessible routes.

Access Maps: Accessibility, Auditing and Events

Access Maps delivers the latest innovations in accessibility, mapping and events. Our mission is to make the world a more open and accessible place. Our technology provides comprehensive data-collection tools, event scheduling, and dashboards to help our partners prioritise accessibility more easily. We offer a full suite of services to meet the needs of businesses, non-profits, councils and council partners.

Our solutions are designed to make it easier to find and explore what’s around you. All maps are custom built and can be filtered by accessibility need, interest, age range, venue type, facility, activity and date. We start with the infrastructure, strengths and experiences that our partners currently offer and highlight areas where accessibility can be improved in the future. 

We welcome all partners who can help create a more inclusive and accessible world.

Graphic of two people at the reception desk of a museum. They appear to be in conversation about the accessibility of this venue. Overlaying this graphic is a photo of a smartphone displaying an Access Map with a range of accessible venues.



Each Access Map is priced per the number of locations that it displays. This ensures that you only pay for the information you manage and promote. 

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Non-profits and consortiums

Our pricing model ensures that non-profits and consortiums can easily keep their information, events and organisation details up-to-date in one convenient place.

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Enterprise and government

Access Maps are built to scale and meet a diverse range of use cases. Get in touch for more information on integrating with your current management or GIS system for a seamless map experience.

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Contact Us

Access Maps display public venues, amenities, organisations and events that meet a range of access needs and interests. Each map comes with a set of accessibility reports, custom branding and a quick-launch app to share events and updates with your community easily.

Want to see how your Access Map works? Get in touch, today. Simply fill in the form or email us at [email protected] 

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