Access Maps

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Access Maps?

Access Maps provide a comprehensive guide to accessible locations and resources. Each Map has the capacity to display an infinite range of venues, amenities and events. Some of the features that your Access Map could highlight are accessible parking spaces, accessible restrooms, beach access mats, parking spaces, public seating and other markers for people with visible and non-visible disabilities, age-related access needs and parents of young children.

How do Access Maps benefit organisations serving people with disabilities?

Access Maps display a combination of inclusive venues, amenities and events, providing detailed information on infrastructural accessibility, staff training, on-site resources and practical accommodations for visitor needs. This helps our partners measure and monitor their accessibility over time, tracking the improvements they make and better informing future plans. By displaying an Access Map on their website and listing their venues through our Maps Network, organisations are able to better serve clients with a range of access needs. 

Can we customise our Access Map to suit the specific needs of our organisation and clientele?

Yes, each Access Map can be customised to include the venues, amenities and events that are most valuable to your organisation and community. We work closely with our partners to incorporate specific features, branding elements and functionality tailored to their needs.

Can I display my organisation on a local or national Access Map?

Yes, through our Maps Network you can list your organisation's venues, amenities and events for display on any number of Access Map. All you need is an active account and to ensure that all your venue, amenity and event profiles are enabled for public display so that other Access Maps partners can add your information to their Maps.

Are Access Maps compliant with digital accessibility standards?

Yes, Access Maps meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensuring that they are accessible to our community and compliant with legal requirements.

Can Access Maps be added to our existing website?

Yes, each Access Map is designed to be easaly embeded on any of our partners websites. You can also circulate your Map via a customised mobile app for seamless sharing. We provide easy-to-follow steps to embed your Map on your existing platforms.

How frequently should my Access Map be updated to reflect changes in accessibility features?

We encourage our partners to keep their Maps updated regularly to reflect any changes in accessibility features or organisation practices. Updates may occur in response to renovations, new constructions, or changes in regulations to ensure the information remains accurate and reliable.

Are Access Maps interactive, allowing users to search for specific accessibility features?

Yes, our Maps are interactive and can be filtered to focus on specific accessibility features or on the venues, amenities and events that meet user needs. Using Access Maps, people can easily find venues that are wheelchair-accessible, that contain accessible restrooms, that provide accessible parking spaces, and more.

Can users provide feedback or report inaccuracies?

Yes, we encourage users to provide feedback and report any inaccuracies they encounter. Feedback is sent anonymously to the organisations that have listed this information and helps to improve the accuracy and reliability of Access Maps.

How do you ensure the privacy and security of user data when using Access Maps?

We take user privacy and data security seriously. Our systems use industry-leading encryption protocols and security measures to safeguard user data and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Can Access Maps be accessed and used by people with various disabilities, including those using assistive technologies?

Yes, Access Maps are designed to be accessible to people with various disabilities, including those using assistive technologies such as screen readers and magnifiers. We follow best practices in web accessibility to ensure a smooth and inclusive user experience for all.

Are there any additional features or functionalities available?

Yes, depending on the needs of your organisation, we offer additional features and functionalities such as route planning for wheelchair users, news feeds and multi-language support.

What types of organisations have successfully implemented Access Maps?

Access Maps have been successfully implemented by a wide range of organisations, including city councils, community centres, tourism bodies, and sports and recreation providers.

What level of technical support and assistance do you provide to clients integrating Access Maps onto their platforms?

We provide comprehensive technical support and assistance to our partners throughout the integration process and beyond. Our team of experts is available to address any technical issues, provide guidance and ensure a smooth implementation of your Access Map.