Access Maps

Access Maps

Access Maps help people locate accessible and age-inclusive public spaces, amenities and experiences. Our maps are built for display on websites, apps and information kiosks, giving users a reliable source of information on the events, locations and public facilities that meet their accessibility requirements. 

How Access Maps work


Cities and regional governments use Access Maps to promote awareness of their inclusive venues, amenities and events for their communities, while gaining insights provided through our accessibility data sets.

Accessible directories

Organisations with multiple locations use Access Maps as their accessible directory, store finder or campus map to provide their visitors with greater information about venues.

Consortiums & non-profits

Consortiums, non-profits and business networks use Access Maps to demonstrate their organisation's reach, member locations and upcoming events, while enabling each member to manage and update their own profiles.

Why Access Maps?

Access Maps were built to improve choice and agency for people with disabilities, senior citizens, parents of young children and individuals with access needs. We include people with short-term and chronic health conditions, in our approach to accessibility. To ensure inclusion for our community, our Maps are web-based and automatically adapt to their users' device preferences (i.e. screen reader-compatibility, high-contrast, enhanced font size).

Maps can be hosted on our partners' websites and shared through standalone apps. Maps can also display a combination of organisations (e.g. libraries, gyms, aquatic centres, tourist operators) and amenities (e.g. parking spaces, restrooms), as required by our partners.

A person inputting their accessibility requirements into an access map

Web-based maps that do more

Web-based maps are a powerful tool toward greater social inclusion and connection. Access Maps break down barriers by detailing accessibility features that can include wheelchair ramps, parking spaces, accessible restrooms, internal resources and staff training. This information helps people plan their visit with confidence, while promoting greater independence and active participation in the community.

Our web-first approach ensures that Maps can be kept up-to-date easily, without requiring external databases or IT resource. Depending on the size of your team, your Map can be configured for use by a central superuser or by multiple departments and staff. All it takes is a computer or phone to get started.  

An access map being displayed on a partners website, a lap top and through an access app on a smart phone

Getting set up 

Creating a detailed digital map with a traditional IT team can take months to create and rack up steep fees. With Access Maps all it takes is three easy steps:

Create your account 
◦ Upload the venue and amenity information you want to display on your map (e.g. photos, address, description, contact details) 
◦ Take 15 - 20 minutes to audit your venues using our Accessibility Audit app
◦ At the end of this, you'll receive an Access Map, Map App and bespoke install page for your website.

An Access report showing the accessible parking near a beach access mat

Get in touch with the team

Access Maps display public venues, amenities, organisations and events that meet a range of access needs and interests. Each map comes with a set of accessibility reports, custom branding and a quick-launch app to share events and updates with your community, easily.

To find out more about Access Maps, get in touch with the team at [email protected] 

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