Maps Network
Our Maps Network goes beyond individual cities or regions, creating seamless connections between different maps across the country. It hosts a wide range of venues, amenities and events all in one convenient place. This means that users can find essential accessibility information no matter where they want to go.
How does it work?
Join the network
Add your location to the Maps Network so your venues and amenities can be displayed on other Access Maps.
Add more to your map
Add external venues and amenities from the network to provide greater value to your Access Map.
Increase your impact
Start to reach map users from other organisations that share your commitment to accessibility and inclusion.
Leveraging the network
When you add your locations to our network, it opens opportunities for display and promotion by other like-minded groups. This means that organisations in our Map Network can individually upload and manage their Access Page data, while still having a centralised platform to showcase all their shared information. By joining forces, we create a powerful network where visibility and accessibility are amplified, benefiting both organisations and users that seek this information.
Diversifying your map
Access to our Maps Network means you can diversify your Map and provide greater detail to you Access Pages without needing to manage external data. A university, for example, can display an Access Map of its campus for current and prospective students while incorporating external facilities and amenities managed by the city.
This provides users with more detailed onsite information (e.g. the location and accessibility of lecture halls, recreation centres and restrooms) as well as offsite information (e.g. local park, accessible parking spaces near campus and transportation hubs).
Private or public?
Some Access Pages and Access Maps will provide greatest value to a closed group of clients, e.g. residential aged care organisations or disability support providers. Knowing this, we give you the choice to create private and public Pages and Maps that cater to different clientele: existing and prospective.
Using this model, a public Access Map can help retirement village residents explore and navigate their new communities. In another case, a private Access Page can help a young person with high-level needs transition to a supported living facility.
Get in touch with the team
Access Maps display public venues, amenities, organisations and events that meet a range of access needs and interests. Each map comes with a set of accessibility reports, custom branding and a quick-launch app to share events and updates with your community easily.
To find out more about Access Maps get in touch with the team at [email protected]