Access Maps

Reports and Dashboards

Transparency and data integrity lie at the core of each Access Map. With our strengths-based approach to accessibility reporting, we've made it easy to centralise, display and promote your information.

Your Map Data

Easy overviews

Capturing accessibility information for your venues is easy and takes 15 – 20 minutes to complete using our Access Capture app.

External review

All information is reviewed to provide feedback or seek more information where needed. This process ensures that your Map holds high-quality data and is easy to explore.

Track your data

Along with your Access Map, you'll also receive dashboards to track improvements to your accessibility data over time. These dashboards can be used to generate reports and inform future planning.

Access Capture apps 

Our Access Capture apps detail the accessibility of your venues and amenities. These data-collection tools are provided to our partners when they register. Each audit is time-stamped and geo-tagged to ensure accuracy and data integrity. All information is reviewed and collated in accessibility overviews: one for each Access Page and Map location. Our partners have ongoing access to these tools and reports, enabling continued accessibility monitoring, evaluation and improvement.

Graphic of an Accessibility Overview app, on a smartphone, as it documents the accessibility of a public parking space.

Trust and transparency

We understand that accessibility occurs on a spectrum. The information needed to plan a visit to one of your venues will vary significantly, from person to person. Consider the needs of a parent whose child uses a pram against that of a person with low vision. The reports that your Access Page display provide granular details and transparency, ensuring trust in the services you offer. 

a woman operating a smartphone in a downtown area

Access Dashboards

Our Access Dashboards provide enterprise and council partners with an overview of their accessibility data. These dashboards give high-level baseline and midline data sets, and can be exported for reporting purposes. Each dashboard is designed to help inform conversations and planning around infrastructure, resources and staff training. Insights provided through the accessibility dashboard can be used alongside other data sets (e.g. census data) to provide deeper understandings of how your community engages with accessible venues, amenities and events.

Graphic of a cityscape, with yellow location markers dispersed between buildings. Overlaying this is a graphic of an accessibility dashboard, measuring the accessibility of local parking spaces.

Get in touch with the team

Access Maps display public venues, amenities, organisations and events that meet a range of access needs and interests. Each map comes with a set of accessibility reports, custom branding and a quick-launch app to share events and updates with your community, easily.

To find out more about Access Maps get in touch with the team at [email protected] 

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