Access Maps

Get on Tauranga's Access Map!

Tauranga City Councle stated its asporation in becoming New Zealands most accessible city by 2025. The councils Access Map is a big part of how we bring the cities resources together with local organisations and businesses to show their commitment to accessibility and inclusion.

About the Map

In October 2020, Tauranga City Council launched phase one of its Access Map. By using Access Maps, an Access Capture app provided by Tauranga, residents and visitors gained unparalleled accessibility information about our city's beaches, libraries, parks, and reserves.

Now, the City of Tauranga is embarking on the next phase of its accessible mapping journey by adding amenities (e.g., accessible parking spaces), events (e.g., basketball leagues), and local organizations to its map. In doing so, Tauranga City Council has partnered with Access Maps to make it easy for non-profits, businesses, community groups, and organizations in the region to access these same tools and put themselves on the map.

All it takes is 20 minutes and a simple subscription to put your organization on the map and provide an Access Page showcasing just how accessible your venue is.

Why we make Access Maps. 

I am often being invited out  to, establishments, businesses or going to motels, hotels or other buildings . . . . for drinks, a dinner with colleagues, traveling, a celebration evening, a conference, a new restaurant or an unknown café. 

As a person who uses a wheelchair for mobility, the invite automatically increases my anxiety, my head initiates a weird process.  My mind suddenly enters a realm of pure panic, feelings of an inevitable explosion, my mind implements the creation of a badly designed mind map that has all the what ifs, and the fears swirling and dancing around a pivotal point of do I say yes or no?! 

I have had far too many experiences that have found me unable to get into a restaurant, being embarrassed for the whole party having to move or change tables or rooms. I have found myself leaving within minutes of arriving because I just could not get into where I needed to be. I have been taken through kitchens and on service lifts to get to a table that the other invitees have walked up 3 steps and through the front door. Then there are the times, which are probably the hardest situation, (the one that I struggle with the most) is when I find myself sitting, smiling, pretending not to be uncomfortable whilst praying the clock starts spinning at warp speed!

Shana Williams - Community member and whealchare user 

About Tauranga City's Access Map

Tauranga City's Access Map is a FREE tool for residents and visitors to the Western Bay of Plenty. Do you want to stay updated on accessible venues, experiences and news in our beautiful city? Just set your accessibility filters and check out photos and information on our accessible places and spaces, before you even set out. Our Access Maps provides you with an easy way to get around the city and explore, relax and connect in some of New Zealand's best-loved locations. To install the Access Map app on your phone, tablet or computer, choose one of the options below.

Install the Map App
Photo of an Access Map displaying accessible and inclusive venues in Tauranga, New Zealand

How it works

The number One in a cercle

Pick your subscription

It's our mission to ensure cost don't prohibit exhesibiliy. Simply select your subscription and you'll recieve and email to get started. 

The numebr two in a cercle

Set up your profile

Once you confirm your account, it takes less than 5 minutes to set up your profile and start conducting your Accessibiliy Overview. 

The numebr three in a cercle

Add your info to the Map!

It will take our assessor 2-3 working days to review your overview. So now it's time to add other venue and your event for display on the map. 

What you get

Accessibility Overview App 

Accessibility Overview apps capture the accessibility of your venues and amenities. Data-collection tools are provided during the implementation phase, for all our partners. Each audit is time-stamped and geotagged to ensure accuracy and data integrity. Your information is reviewed and collated in accessibility reports: one for each location listed on your map. Our partners have ongoing access to these tools and reports, enabling continued accessibility monitoring, evaluation and improvement.

The access over view app being used to capture a parking space

Your Access Maps Profile

Manage how your organissation, venues and amenities are viewed by our communities. Tell us about who you are when you're open and we'll make sure your put on the map. 

Events promotion and bookings! 

Listing your venues on the Map is only the start. It's easy to post up coming events and activities for the communit to view, share and book with out ever having to leave the map. 

A person recieving a push notification about an upcoming event

Your own Access Page! 

In addition to listing your venues, amenities and activities on the Map, your organisation will also recieve an Access Page for each of your locations. Instead of hosting an accessibility information page on your own website, link to your Access Page to provide this information with confidentce, knowing that the contents are WCAG 2.2 compatible. 

In addition to being in line with the Web Standards Accessibility Guidelines, each Access Page can also function as an app, giving your organisation even greater functionality to share with the community. 

View of an access page on a laptop

A subcription for everyone

man standing near the woman walking in party during nighttime

Single Venue


per month or $290 per year

Sign me up
This subscription requires a $190 set up fee for review of your access overviews. with this subscription you will recieve:

Access to Accessible Capture Tools

Certified Accessibiliy Overview of your venue

Access Maps Profile for One Venue

Add up to two amenities to your venue profile

Access Page for your organisation

List Events and Activities on the Map

Display accorss the Maps Network

man standing infront of group of people

2 - 10 Venues


per Venue per month or $270 per year

Sign up
This subscription requires a $180 set up fee per venue for review of your access overviews. With this subscription you will recieve everythign to the left as well as:

Access to push notification promotions

group of people standing inside dome watching concert

11 - 30 Venues


per Venue per month or $240 per year

More info
This subscription requires a $160 set up fee per venue for review of your access overviews. With this subscription you will recieve everythign to the left as well as:

The option to create an Access Map and App for your own website at reduced cost.

Access to accessibily and incusion workshops and events

Early access to new inovations and features

Mount Maunganui with access map markets

31+ Venues

Contact us

Get in touch with our team for more information

Sign me up
Enterprise organisations host an incredible oportunity and value for our communities. Get in touch with our sales team today to learn more.

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Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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